Civitatis International

Civitatis International is an independent and supranational think-tank on global governance. Civitatis is composed of a global network of leading international relations professors and practitioners around the world who research according to the editorial mandate of Civitatis: Constructive solutions to the common global challenges and crucial issues facing mankind's civilization now and in the future.

Civitatis works with stakeholders around the world as a supranational research institute independent of any state interest so as to effectively analyse and propose solutions to the interlinked global challenges. Civitatis publishes its high-level research on global issues to former and serving heads of state and government and global stakeholders.

Civitatis also works to fulfil -Aurelio Peccei’s and Dr Alexander King’s vision for a global community and long term goals for mankind and civilization and cites as the inspiration for the think-tank's work:

“The new horizons of a global community can still be opened for mankind…A change from self centered and short-term goals to mankind centered long term ones is in the interest of all people. To work for such a change has become a moral imperative for all who are concerned with the future of humanity." -Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, Goals for Mankind, 1977. (Founders of the Club of Rome)

As a global think tank focused on issues of world peace and the complex interlinked global systems and challenges, Civitatis also trains emerging young leaders in global thinking and leadership skills through its global fellowship network, private events and its London based Junior Associate programme.


Research Programmes

The combined research programmes of Civitatis International seek to lay empirical and philosophical foundations for the New World Civilization, and the future of humanity. Civitatis International has several research programmes that analyse and propose solutions to the interlinked complex global challenges facing the planet and mankind's global civilization. The secretariat publishes and distributes the think-tank’s research to global stakeholders and heads of state. The Research Programmes of Civitatis in 2011-2012 are: Global Values; Universal Justice; A New World Economy; Industry, Resources and Energy; Climate Change; Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Collectively the research programmes of Civitatis work toward solving the challenges on the way toward establishing a new system of global governance.

Friends of Civitatis

Professor David Held, Master of University College and Chair of Politics and International Relations at Durham University (From 2012). In October 2011 in recognition of his outstanding services to research in international relations, cosmopolitan political theory and global governance, Professor David Held was elected Honorary President of Civitatis International.

Lord Peter Archer of Sandwell QC, Privy Counsellor, Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for World Governance.

Dr. Olivier Giscard d'Estaing, Chair of the Comitee pour un Parlement Mondial, (Committee for a World Parliament); INSEAD Foundation and Co-founder of the Caux Round Table.

Professor Michael Cox, Chairman of the United States Discussion Group at the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Erstwhile Friends of Civitatis:

The late Sir Marrack Goulding KCMG (1936-2010)* Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping and Political Affairs

The late Professor Tom Gehrels (1925–2011)* Astronomer, Founder of the Space Watch Project, Discoverer of 4000 asteroids, Principal investigator for the Pioneer 10 and 11 Saturn missions, Life Fellow of the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, Recipient of the Harold Masursky Award and Scientific Advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Executive Director of Civitatis:

Jan Mortier, Former Rapporteur for President Mikhail Gorbachev’s World Political Forum, the Commission on Globalisation and the NGO Process of the Community of Democracies, Editorial Advisory Board Member of World Peace News, New York. He has also worked for at the International Secretariat of the Club of Rome in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Speeches by heads of state and government

Civitatis International publishes speeches on world peace and global issues by former heads of state and government and international personalities, among them are speeches by: President Mikhail Gorbachev; President Oscar Arais Sanchez; President Francesco Cossiga; Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti; Prime Minister Emilio Colombo; Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral; Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz; Prime Minister Pierre Marc Johnson; HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal; Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine Foreign Minister Gianni De Michelis; Ambassador Jack Matlock; Lord Robert Skidelsky; Jiang Mingjun; Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Dr Jamie Shea.


Civitatis was founded in Germany in 2002 at a Council of Europe sponsored conference on the European System of Human Rights. The founders of Civitatis were a core group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, legal professionals, human rights researchers and practitioners in UN field missions. The secretariat of Civitatis rotates periodically around the world. It was initially based at the University of Wales in Aberystwyth and run jointly by researchers at the Lester B Pearson Canadian Peacekeeping Centre in Nova Scotia, Canada. The secretariat then rotated to Vancouver in Canada. Presently the International secretariat of Civitatis is located in the City of London, near the Bank of England.

Links to Mikhail Gorbachev and the World Political Forum

The combined research programmes of Civitatis International seek to lay empirical and philosophical foundations for the New World Civilization, a concept for a new world order devised by the distinguished Nobel Laureate President Mikhail Gorbachev and being analysed in high level discussions of former heads of state and government at Gorbachev’s two governance networks and think tanks: the World Political Forum in Italy and the New Policy Forum in Luxembourg.

Civitatis International was often the only British based organisation to take part in meetings of the World Political Forum in Turin, The Monumental Complex of Santa Croce in Bosco Marengo, Budapest and the European Parliament. Civitatis was responsible for producing the published texts and speeches of the assembled heads of state and government for publication by the World Political Forum in their reports, Most notably the inaugural annual report of the World Political Forum: The World of the 21st Century New Unity Fractures, and the proceedings of the New World Political Architecture International Seminar where delegations from Civitatis International participated and spoke at the meeting.

Links to the Club of Rome

The executive director of Civitatis has worked for the Club of Rome and the Mission statement of Civitatis is inspired by the founders of the Club of Rome: Aurelio Peccei and Dr. Alexander King.

Links to the Community of Democracies

Civitatis was the only British based organisation to take part in the final meeting of the NGO Process of the Community of Democracies in Santiago Chile. Civitatis s and the Executive Director Jan Mortier jointly drafted the Document for Ministerial Consideration that was then presented to the Ministers of State at the Fourth intergovernmental meeting of the Community of Democracies. US Secretary of State Dr Condoleezza Rice commended the document. Civitatis secured recommendations from the UK Foreign Office for a British Minister of state under the Labour government to take part in the Community of Democracies intergovernmental meetings and secured endorsements of the Community by the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission.

Links to the India Japan Global Partnership Summit

Civitatis was the only British based organisation to take part in the India Japan Global Partnership Summit 20011 Tokyo, Japan. The Summit was the culmination of 17 years of diplomacy led by Vibhav Kant Upadhyay to bring together the industrialists, financiers and elected leaders of India and Japan. The summit was opened by the Prime Minister and former Prime Ministers of Japan and MR Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister of India. The Executive Director of Civitatis gave a speech to the summit’s policy forum on the coming global challenges facing all mankind in common this century and the proposed Civitatis solutions to the coming global energy crisis.

Mission Statement

Civitatis descibes its mission and vision to be inspired by the ideals of the industrialist Aurelio Peccei and scientist Dr. Alexander King:

“If our goals are unrealistic, narrow, and short sighted, world problems will lead to catastrophes, while if they are realistic and farsighted, new horizons of need fulfilment and peace can open for the world community. The situation can be turned around and human prospects made bright only by a supreme concerted effort by all peoples and all nations.”

“The new horizons of a global community can still be opened for mankind…A change from self centered and short-term goals to mankind centered long term ones is in the interest of all people. To work for such a change has become a moral imperative for all who are concerned with the future of humanity."

 -Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, Goals for Mankind, 1977. (Founders of the Club of Rome)

According to the website: the vision of Civitatis is “a world which; Protects the sovereignty of the human being; Upgrades and democratises the global architecture; Strives for a cosmopolitan world order to ensure perpetual peace; Codifies the right of every world citizen to life, dignity, peace and justice; Presents a positive vision for mankind: a New World Civilization; Overcomes the global challenges to create global opportunities for all; Transitions to a clean and sustainable new global economy; Where Man lives in harmony with his environment; Conserves the planet’s diminishing resources wisely and equitably; Preserves the diversity of cultures in the unifying world civilization; Prevents the destruction of the world's ecosystems and species; Enlightens world citizens with a new paradigm of global consciousness; Opens up new horizons and possibilities for all humanity; Agrees a new global covenant of rights and responsibilities; Considers long term-goals for mankind over the short-term; Constructs a new world assembly representing the people; Creates a universal constitutional order; Uses multilateralism and the rule of law in pursuit of peace. To these aims Civitatis enlightens people and policy with world class research on global issues”

Background to the Civitatis Mission and Vision: Towards a New World Civilization

The achievements and scientific advances of mankind over the last few centuries have resulted in the creation of a new planetary system: the world economy. This man-made system now coexists with the ancient natural systems of the planet and affects them at the macrocosmic scale. The world’s ecosystems and climate system which have previously functioned in equilibrium within the unitary biosphere that encapsulates the planet are now being influenced and changed by the man-made world economic system. The process of which has set in motion the reaction of the natural planetary mechanisms with potentially unquantifiable or determinable consequences for mankind’s civilization.

The present political, cultural and economic architectural arrangement of the planet is not be sophisticated enough to address the challenges that will resultantly present themselves, which would imply that new thinking in these fields is required if mankind is to preserve his future.

The assumed Westphalian paradigm of political governance, or indeed even empire may be lacking in the sophistication and efficacy to address or mitigate the consequences of the coming changes. Cultural and economic paradigms along with their assumptions and worldviews may also need to be rethought to ensure a sustainable future for mankind and life on Earth. In particular an evolution in attitudes toward stewardship and responsibility rather than mere temporary ownership may be more appropriate, along with an increased emphasis on thoughtful and purposeful economic activity rather than mere consumptive growth as a basis for the cycles that drive global prosperity and development.

The present status of global governance is increasingly networked yet still is somewhat ad-hoc and inefficient. Leaders of the nations of the world will have to agree upon the basis of a new world order, that may encompass the political, cultural and economic dimensions. The next order should include a new world political architecture that is suitably appropriate to meet the future challenges that will face all mankind in common and likewise fairly represents all of mankind. It must be an architecture of multidimensional sophistication and with the appropriate representation and mediation of the competing world interests so that it delivers the most agreeable outcome for the good of all.

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